The Inline Code component emphasizes short, inline pieces of computer code such as variable names, commands, and function calls. It's also used to display important inline code snippets, such as SIDs, IDs, and API keys
The most common use for Inline Code is inside of other pieces of text. Inline Code emphasizes that the text is a piece of code using styling conventions.
is the top-level scope of all other resources in the REST API. It owns Sessions
and Participants
for a Proxy application.<Text as="span">A <InlineCode>Service</InlineCode> is the top-level scope of all other resources in the REST API. It owns{' '}<InlineCode>Sessions</InlineCode> and <InlineCode>Participants</InlineCode> for a Proxy application.</Text>
Inline Code is also commonly used standalone for key pieces of code text, such as SIDs or Keys.
<Stack orientation="vertical" spacing="space30"><Text fontWeight="fontWeightMedium" as="div">API Key</Text><InlineCode>WQC0000001111111122234444444</InlineCode></Stack>